Stefán Briem

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  1. Stefán Briem. 1971. Hugmyndir um nýtt skipulag í menntaskólunum. [Ideas for a new order in the gymnasiums.] Barningur.  Mars 1971. Bls. 9. Landssamband mennta- og fjölbrautaskóla, Reykjavík.
  2. Stefán Briem. 1984. Gagnavinnsla og tölvukynni. [Data processing and computer literacy.] Iðunn, Reykjavík.
  3. Stefán Briem. 1986. Esperanto sem millimál í tölvuþýðingum. [Esperanto as an intermediate language in machine translation.]  Esperantotíðindi. 15. desember 1986. Íslenska esperantosambandið, Reykjavík.
  4. Stefán Briem. 1988. Vélrænar tungumálaþýðingar. [Machine translation, a  research report, worked out in Icelandic with a resume in Esperanto.] Issued by the author, Reykjavík.
  5. Stefán Briem. 1990. Automatisk morfologisk analyse af islandsk tekst. [Automatic morphological analysis of Icelandic text, in Danish but with an abstract in English.] Jörgen Pind and Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson [eds.]. Papers from the Seventh Scandinavian Conference of Computational Linguistics Reykjavík 1989:3–13. Institute of Lexicography, Institute of Linguistics, Reykjavík.
  6. Stefán Briem. 1990. Maskinoversættelse fra esperanto til islandsk. [Machine translation from Esperanto to Icelandic, in Danish but with an abstract in English.] Jörgen Pind and Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson [eds.]. Jörgen Pind and Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson [eds.]. Papers from the Seventh Scandinavian Conference of Computational Linguistics Reykjavík 1989:138–145. Institute of Lexicography, Institute of Linguistics, Reykjavík.
  7. Stefán Briem. 1990. Vélrænar tungumálaþýðingar. [Machine translation.] Orð og tunga 2:43–47. Orðabók Háskólans, Reykjavík.
  8. Stefán Briem. 1991. A Dependancy Syntax of Icelandic. [A research report, worked out for the DLT project.] Issued by the author, Reykjavík.
  9. Jörgen Pind [ed.], Friðrik Magnússon, and Stefán Briem. 1991. Íslensk orðtíðnibók. [A frequency dictionary of Icelandic.] Orðabók Háskólans, Reykjavík.
  10. Stefán Briem. 1994. Icelandic-Esperanto Metataxis. [A research report, worked out for the DLT project.] Issued by the author, Reykjavík.
  11. Stefán Briem [ed.]. 1998. Tölvuorðasafn. Íslenskt-enskt, enskt-íslenskt. 3. útgáfa, aukin og endurbætt. Orðanefnd Skýrslutæknifélags Íslands tók saman. [Computing dictionary, Icelandic-English and English-Icelandic with Icelandic definitions and explanations.] Íslensk málnefnd, Reykjavík.
  12. Stefán Briem. 1998. Islandske fagtermer og informationsteknologi. LexicoNordica 5:67–76. [Icelandic terms and information technology, a lecture given in Danish at Symposium om fagleksikografi i Norden 6.–8. feb. 1998 in Copenhagen.]
  13. Stefán Briem. 1999. Vélrænar þýðingar. [Machine translation.] In Tungutækni, pp. 57–59. [A workgroup report of the Icelandic Ministry of Culture and Education, in Icelandic.] Menntamálaráðuneytið, Reykjavík.
  14. Stefán Briem [ed.]. 2003. Íslensk táknaheiti. Orðanefnd Skýrslutæknifélags Íslands tók saman. [Icelandic names of symbols.] Íslensk málnefnd, Reykjavík.
  15. Stefán Briem [ed.]. 2005. Tölvuorðasafn. Íslenskt-enskt, enskt-íslenskt. 4. útgáfa, aukin og endurbætt. Orðanefnd Skýrslutæknifélags Íslands tók saman. [Computing dictionary, Icelandic-English and English-Icelandic with Icelandic definitions and explanations.] Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag í samvinnu við orðanefnd Skýrslutæknifélags Íslands, Reykjavík.
  16. Stefán Briem. 2011. Allar skákir Stefáns Briem 1956–2011. [All Stefán Briem's chess games 1956–2011.] 20 numbered copies. Issued by the author, Reykjavík.

Last changed 18 October 2013